Friday, May 16, 2008

My Mind is Naked !


Yeah. You were totally rite. Is it a moment of madness or a virtue? We both don’t know about it. I know deep inside my heart that you are not ready yet. But I know myself that I do love you. “No Feeling At All Right Now and We Are Not More Than Friends!” is the answer I deserved because I wasn’t totally prepared to let you lose. Love is not a property and it can't be possessed. Just last week, I can't accept the fact that you don't have the same feeling like mine. But now I understand that whatever happens, I still can love you. It is my right. By thinking of this way, it makes me feel better than I've ever been before.

We shouldn’t think too much about it. Sometimes, it is a best way to let it go and continues without any changes. But I am damn sure that we will have a change finally whether it is a HAPPY ENDING or a SAD ENDING. Thanks for your true care towards me that I will never forget and I will never doubt. One last thing I would like to tell you is that seeing you without talking to each other is too much but hopefully time will cure.


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KyuteKyute said...
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